Saturday, June 16, 2012

BOM and houses

There a lot of ways to organise your fabrics. The pieces are so tiny for the houses....
Use a box for blue and white houses.... everything in one box...except for the glasses...and you really need those. And if you forgot them? You have to buy one...
 This red box contains houses in all kind of stadia: patched and non-patched, ironed with or without sashing...

This box has a lot of coloured pieces: roofs, doors etc.
This block has nothing to do with the houses, it is part 5 from the BOM Flowers in my garden. All the pieces are cut, busy with putting them on the right place and then ready to iron. We use the quilt as our iron-board.

Heel veel manieren om al je huisjes te bewaren, in verschillende stadia...
En de onderste foto is van deel 5 van de BOM. Zie je de verschillen tussen de twee blokken? Wat andere stoffen al niet doen.

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Veel quiltplezier,

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